XanMax® -The Patented Natural Lutein & Zeaxanthin
Katra is a Pioneer in Lutein and trans-Zeaxanthin combinations. Its flagship product, XanMax®, gives you a distinct advantage versus market leaders.
Many lutein patents have expired globally, but Katra’s patents are valid up to 2030. Granted as recently as 2013, Katra has a first-time US Process Patent for 5:1 and 1:1 Lutein and trans-Zeaxanthin combinations including 10:1 combinations.
XanMax® has proven superiority in Xanthophyll content, bio-availability, product stability, purity and solvent residue levels, compared to market leaders.
New - ‘XanMax® Green - A Safe, Non-Toxic, Eco-friendly Ethanol Extracted Product’