Why you should attend the Sports & Active Nutrition Summit

Putting on a face-to-face event is never a simple task, but it has been especially challenging in these uncertain times. Nevertheless, we are committed to bringing our Sports & Active Nutrition Summit 2022 to fruition on Feb. 14-16 in San Diego. The venue is the Hyatt Regency hotel on San Diego’s beautiful Mission Bay.
Tapping into industry expertise
One of the joys of this job for me personally has been the chance to interact with the many talented, erudite and driven people who populate this industry. And such people are thick on the ground in the sports field.
As a writer it’s always fun to tap into the excitement of someone who has just finished a project, and is ready to share it with the world. Whether it be the publication of a new scientific paper or the launch of a new product or company, those moments are special. They make for the best stories and the best memories.
I’ve made some great friends in this industry that way. People who have been pioneers in their fields and are in high demand, yet are generous enough to give an ink stained wretch like me enough of their time to help them tell their stories.
And telling those stories is what our event is all about. Attendees will come away with important new information that will help them in their strategic planning as they try to capitalize on new opportunities in sports nutrition.
Focus on CBD, esports
We’re going to spend some time looking at the developing opportunities for hemp/CBD products in sports nutrition. The CBD market finds itself at the cusp of a revolution. There is massive manufacturing capacity ready to feed the flood that will surely come when the regulatory logjam breaks, as it must, sooner or later. Companies that plan now can catch the wave, those that waver will miss it. There are reportedly dozens of hemp/CBD products from major nutrition and wellness players ready to go once the legal pathway becomes clearer.
We’re also emphasizing the esports sphere this year. The esports market is exploding, and Prof. Jason Chung will detail his creation of the world’s first academic esports program that will train the new experts for this field. It’s another ship ready to set sail for sports nutrition companies. Don’t miss it!
Bottom line: ROI of our events
We consistently hear that attendees at our events find them of great value in making important connections that are of value to their future endeavors. We believe we put out the most and the best content in the industry, and that attracts the best and brightest in the makeup of the attendees at our events.
Put more bluntly, there is significant ROI in attending our events. Good content begets a thoughtful, engaged and well-connected audience. Very good people to know, in other words. In addition, this year's event is being put on in cooperation with the Sports Nutrition Committee of the American Herbal Products Association. And a What's Up With Supps networking event precedes the opening of the Summit on Feb. 14. Both aspects add to the ability of attendees to make important connections.
We look forward to seeing you in San Diego. And, as the event will start but one day after the Super Bowl, I have only one more sports-related thing to add: GO PACKERS!