Probiota Americas 2023: Deadline for Pioneers and Scientific Frontiers this week

Probiota Pioneers
We’re also on the lookout for entrepreneurial consumer-facing, science- or technology-based start-ups to join our Probiota Pioneers session and present their company in Chicago!
There has never been a better time to launch a start-up in this field. As major universities look to spin-out and license key discoveries, global food and pharma businesses open up venture funds and external innovation programs and incubators to draw innovative entrepreneurs into their orbit – there are rich pickings for probiotic, prebiotic and microbiome pioneers in search of money, experience and a global platform for their ideas.
But how can you win in a competitive environment?
NutraIngredients-USA is seeking science- or technology-based entrepreneurial start-ups to join our Probiota Pioneers session and pitch their company and ideas to a room full of experts.
If selected as a Probiota Pioneer by our editorial panel you will receive:
- A place on the Probiota Americas program as part of the Probiota Pioneers session to present your business
- Access to the full program including all presentations and networking session – your chance to connect with some of the biggest names in pre and probiotics and the microbiome
- Coverage in NutraIngredients-USA including preview articles and your opportunity to appear in multimedia coverage of the event.
Scientific Frontiers
NutraIngredients-USA is also seeking to hear from researchers in the prebiotic, probiotic, and microbiome space with new science relevant to human health, well-being, consumers, and industry?
We are particularly interested in reports from human intervention studies and welcome abstracts from those engaged in all aspects of microbiome science in academia, industry and consumer health, particularly those representing successful academia-industry interactions.
All abstract submissions will be reviewed by our Scientific Committee made up of leading experts from the field of microbiome modulation. All accepted abstracts will be invited to present a poster at our event in Chicago., while the winning abstract will be invited to give a presentation during the Probiota Americas, June 14-16, 2023.
Early-phase, novel, or state-of-the-art research or promising ideas covering the following topics are encouraged:
- Host-microbe interactions in health and disease, including preclinical and clinical studies evaluating pre- and probiotic interventions
- Application and development of “-omics” approaches in biomarker discovery, including identification of potential pre- and probiotic strains. Research identifying strain-specific effects of probiotics for health and wellbeing, including mechanism of action and bioactive discovery and isolation
- Early findings from large scale research projects and clinical trials
- Innovations and novel ideas in the areas of production processes, delivery, formulation and shelf-life
- Consumer and market insights, including population research, trends and threats, commercial packaging and marketing
- Human intervention studies
For more information and to download a copy of the abstract guidelines, please click HERE.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified in May 2023.