Technical / White Paper
Loading up on carb science

In a world where everyone seems to be telling consumers to cut back on carbs, from a food industry point of view, there is an education job to be done here: this message hasn’t filtered through to the recreational athletes and consumers who invest in fitness as part of a healthy and active lifestyle.
For food and nutrition companies, this consumer group represents a growing and valuable target market. Performance and active nutrition are growing segments (CAGR > 10%), driven by active lifestylers looking for more nutritious, protein-enriched and health-benefit powered propositions.
In recent years, low-carb diets like the ketogenic (keto) plan, Atkins, Whole 30 and paleo have swept the western world, inciting a widely held belief among consumers that carbohydrates are bad for you and should be avoided. This is confirmed by market research – according to a global report published last September 1, over 50% of consumers claim to be trying to eat fewer carbs. Download our whitepaper to learn more.